Weekday Bonus
The weekday bonus session will focus more on the science of weight loss and motivation to maintain momentum. This session is based on behavioral science, our food choices, portion management, and how these impact overall well-being, not just weight gain for the body.
You will learn about the micro-arts of portion control, metabolic references of foods, their impact, tools for vitamins and their importance, protein, and its impact on our strength, and whether to lose fat or gain muscles.
Top 10 Changes in lifestyle habits that make you highly healthy and increase longevity.
1 program your brain to care for your body.
2 Time Management for Healthy life
3 Portion control with unlimited food for you
4 Metabolic health for greater strength
5 Sleep and its importance for cognitive ability
6 Happiness – the tool of everything in life
7 Positive energy flow management
8 Foods that change your medication habits.
9 Digital society vs Social life – Make balance
10 Life Goals and Manifestation of Affirmations