vatayanasana Vatayanasana(Horse faced pose) : Benefits, Method, Precautions, Modifications
(Horse Face Pose)
Vatayanasana is a series of Ashtanga poses. It is also known as a flying horse pose or horse face pose. In Sanskrit, vatayan means ‘horse’ ,Asana is a ‘pose’.
So, this pose can also be named a horse face pose.
Also, vata means ‘air’,Yana means ‘vehicle’, Asana is a ‘pose’.
So, this pose is also referred to as a flying horse pose.
The body limb makes a shape like a horse in vatayanasan. The appearance of this pose looks like half lotus pose or eagle pose. This pose will enhance the flexibility in your inner thighs, glutes, and quads. This pose will help you tone up your thighs. This pose will enhance flexibility. This is a good pose to reduce your fat. This pose will keep all the spinal joints and muscles in good condition ensuring strength and mobility. This pose will be quite difficult but can be done easily after a few practices. You have to balance your body on one leg. This pose will enhance the mobility of our bodies. It will help us in maintaining a good balance. Before working on this pose, it is advised to practice some warmup poses to get rid of the tension. This pose demands a good amount of flexibility already indulged in your body. You must be flexible enough to hold the pose. Along with flexibility, this pose asks for a good amount of stability or balance in your body. This pose focuses on creating pressure on the thighs, knees, and ankles. You can follow up the pose with the eagle pose.
Vatayanasana keeps all the spinal joints and muscles in good condition, ensuring strength and mobility in the Sacro - lumbar region. Pelvic floor and legs. Nerves are strengthened and willpower, concentration, and patience are developed. A strong horse-like, mobile body and a controlled quick mind are attained. Physical and mental strength, speed, and agility are possible through the regular practice of Vatayanasana.
It will enhance flexibility: This pose will enhance flexibility in your legs. This is a great exercise to maintain or test your flexibility level. This pose will strengthen the lower half of the body.
It will strengthen the knee. This pose will help you in strengthening your knee. This pose will make your body more flexible.
Cure knee pain: this pose will cure your knee pain. It is a great way to cure the pain in your knee. It will enhance flexibility.
Improve blood circulation: this pose will improve blood circulation in your body. It will be a great exercise to improve the blood circulation in your lower body parts. It will cure blood circulation in your hips and leg.
This pose will correct injury in your hips: this pose will correct the minor asymmetrical hips and legs. Research shows that people who are practicing this pose will remain healthier and strong than others. This pose is the cure of hips and legs-related minor issues.
Reduce stiffness in your lower body: this pose will reduce stiffness in your lower body parts.
It will cure the pain related to arthritis: this pose may cure the pain of your arthritis.
It will cure cramping in the thigh area: this pose will help you in curing cramps in your inner thighs and legs.
It will relieve stiffness around your sacroiliac joints.
It is a great pose for your mental and physical pain. Researches show that it reduces stress and physical pain in your body.
This pose will improve the posture of your body.
It will keep all the spinal joints and muscles in good condition.
It will improve the mobility of your sacro-lumbar region.
It will increase your willpower.
It will strengthen your concentration.
It will help you in developing patience.
It will help you in managing your anger issues.
It will reduce depression and stress.
Step 1: To practice this pose your need to stand straight. Give your body a little stretch and warm up yourself.
Step 2: Sit on the knee of your left leg and bend your right leg as we do in lunges. Sit in the half padmasan position.
Step 3: The toe of the left leg should be in the direction of the right leg’s inner thigh.
Step 4: Keep the toe in touch with the inner thigh. The upper body should be straight. You will feel a gentle stretch in your legs.
Step 5: Wrap up your hands with each other.
Step 6: Inhale, keep your back straight, stretch your pelvis and lift your hands to the chest.
Step 7: Hold the pose for at least 30 seconds. Breathe naturally.
Step 8: Get back to the initial position.
Step 9: practice the pose on both sides one by one. Take a break for 10 seconds at least before repeating this pose.
Step 10: practice at least 5 to 10 times.
Practice yoga with good posture and strength to avoid any kind of injury.
Practice the pose under observation as you may end up hurting yourself.
Avoid practicing this pose if you suffer from knee pain.
Avoid performing this pose if you can’t balance yourself properly.
Avoid practicing in case of ankle, leg, or hand injury.
Practice the pose into experts supervision.
You must consult your doctor first if you have any form of physical pain.
Consult your doctor if you are pregnant.
Avoid practicing this pose during mensuration.
Do not practice if you have just recovered from any physical accident or operation.
Patients with high blood pressure should avoid this pose.
People with heart problems should consult their doctor first.
People with a hernia should not practice this pose a sit may increase the pain.
People with chronic lower back pain or slipped disk problem should avoid practicing this pose.
Props and modification:
You can use the wall to support your body to avoid injuries.
Use a blanket or towel to avoid any kind of knee pain.
Use blanket or yoga bricks to ensure the posture is correct.
Use props to make it easier.
Use a chair to support yourself.
You can also perform it with the help of a partner to ensure the posture is correct and prevent injury.
Change the posture into the grudasana pose. And modify this pose to give yourself a challenge.