11 Yoga Poses to Reduce Anxiety and Feel Better

11 Yoga Poses to Reduce Anxiety and Feel Better

Posted on Nov 27, 2022

Numerous individuals resort to yoga when they begin to experience anxiety or during times of stress. By bringing awareness to your breath and the present moment in each yoga pose, you may be able to still the mind's chatter and experience an overall uplift in mood. Learning to accept oneself exactly as one is is essential. If you're willing to put in the effort, even a few minutes a day practising only one or two postures can have a profound effect. To maximize the benefits of your yoga session, pay attention to the feelings that travel throughout your body as you assume each pose. Permit yourself to feel and experience all of your emotions.
If you find your mind wandering during your practice, simply bring it back to the mat with a soft thought.
Learn how to perform some of our favorite anxiety-reducing postures by reading on.

Hero posture

This seated position might assist you in locating your center. Concentrating on your breath may help you feel comfortable in this calm stance.
Muscles worked:
·       erector spinae 
·       quadriceps 
·       knee muscles
·       ankle muscles
To accomplish this:
·       Assume the kneeling position. Your feet should be slightly wider than your hips, and your knees should be touching.
·       Maintain flat foot placement on the floor.
·       Recline so that your buttocks reach the ground between your feet. Use a block or a book if your buttocks do not reach the ground.
·       Placing one's hands on one's thighs.
·       Straighten your back to expand your chest and extend your spine.
·       Maintain this position for up to 5 minutes.

Tree position

This basic standing position can help you focus inward and quiet your mind.
Muscles worked:
·       abdominals 
·       psoas 
·       quadriceps
·       tibialis anterior
To accomplish this:
·       From a standing position, support your weight with your right foot and lift your left foot off the ground slowly.
·       Slowly rotate the left foot's sole toward the inner of the left leg.
·       Place it on your left outer ankle, calf, or thigh.
·       Avoid putting the foot against the knee.
·       Bring your hands into whatever position is comfortable. This may be positioned in a prayer position in front of the heart or hung at the sides.
·       Maintain this position for up to 2 minutes.
·       On the opposite side, repeat.

Triangle pose

This energetic stance can help relieve neck and back stiffness.
Muscles Worked:
·       latissimus dorsi 
·       internal oblique 
·       gluteus maximus and medius 
·       hamstrings 
·       quadriceps
To accomplish this:
·       In a standing position, your feet should be wider than your hips.
·       Turn your left toes slightly forward and your right toes slightly inward.
·       Raise your arms so that they extend from your shoulders. Your palms must be facing down.
·       Extend your torso forward while extending your left hand forward.
·       Bring your right hip back by bending your right hip joint. Use your left hand to contact your leg, the ground, or a block.
·       Extend your right arm in the direction of the ceiling.
·       Gaze in whatever direction seems comfortable.
·       Maintain this position for up to 1 minute.
·       Next, perform the reverse side.

Standing Forward Bend

This resting standing position may aid in calming the mind and relieving tension in the body.
Muscles Worked:
·       spinal muscles
·       piriformis 
·       hamstrings
·       gastrocnemius 
·       gracilis
To accomplish this:
·       Your feet should be approximately hip-width apart, and your hands should rest on your hips.
·       Exhale as you tilt at the hips to fold forward while maintaining a modest knee bend.
·       Place your hands on the ground or a block.
·       Place the chin on the chest.
·       Relax your hips and lower back. The weight of your head and neck should be directed toward the floor.
·       Maintain this position for up to a minute.

Fish pose

This backbend can assist alleviate chest and back tension.
Muscles Worked:
·       intercostals 
·       hip flexors 
·       trapezius 
·       abdominals
To accomplish this:
·       Stretch your legs out in front of you while you sit.
·       Place your palms pointing downward underneath your buttocks.
·       Constrict your elbows and extend your chest.
·       Then, lean back onto your forearms and elbows while you press into your arms to keep your chest raised.
·       If it is comfortable, you may let your head hang toward the floor or rest it on a block or pillow.
·       Maintain this position for up to a minute.

Extended Puppy pose

This pose relieves tension by stretching and lengthening the spine.
Muscles Worked:
·       Deltoids
·       trapezius 
·       erector spinae
·       triceps
To accomplish this:
·       Assume a tabletop posture.
·       Extend your hands a few inches forward and lower your buttocks toward your heels.
·       Press onto your hands and engage your arm muscles while maintaining an elevated elbow position.
·       Rest your forehead gently on the floor.
·       Allow your chest to soften and expand as you perform this pose.
·       This stance can be held for up to two minutes.

Child's pose

This pose may assist to alleviate stress and exhaustion.
Muscles Worked:
rotator muscles
spinal extensors
To accomplish this:
·       From a kneeling position, reposition yourself on your heels.
·       Forward fold with hands extended in front of you.
·       Rest your forehead on the floor and allow your torso to sink into your thighs.
·       Keep your arms extended in front of you or at your sides.
·       Maintain this position for up to 5 minutes.

Forward Head-to-Knee Bend

This pose may assist in calming the nervous system.
Muscles Worked:
·       groin 
·       hamstrings 
·       spinal extensors 
·       gastrocnemius
To accomplish this:
·       Extend your left leg while seated on the edge of a pillow or folded blanket.
·       Press the right foot's sole into the left thigh.
·       Under either knee can be a cushion or block for support.
·       As you lift your arms upwards, inhale.
·       Exhale while you flex your hips and stretch your spine to fold forward.
·       You may place your hands anywhere on your body or on the ground.
·       Maintain this position for up to 5 minutes.
·       The process is then repeated on the opposite side.

Supine Forward Flexion

This stance is believed to relax the mind and alleviate tension. If you feel that your thoughts have been scattered during your practice, now is the time to refocus on your intention.
Muscles Worked:
·       pelvic muscles 
·       erector spinae 
·       gluteus maximus 
·       gastrocnemius
To accomplish this:
·       Sit on the folded edge of a blanket or pillow with your legs extended in front of you.
·       You may maintain a modest knee bend.
·       Inhale to raise your arms.
·       Slowly hinge at the hips to stretch forward, resting your hands on your body or the floor.
·       Hold this stance for up to five minutes.

Legs-Up-The-Wall position

This restorative pose provides total mental and physical relaxation.
Muscles Worked:
·       hamstrings 
·       pelvic muscles 
·       lower back 
·       front torso 
·       neck
To accomplish this:
·       Place the right side of your body against a wall.
·       Then recline while swinging your legs up the wall.
·       You should have your buttocks as near to the wall as is comfortable. This may be placed directly against the wall or a few inches away.
·       Relax and loosen the muscles in your back, chest, and neck. Permit your body to dissolve into the ground.
·       Maintain this position for up to ten minutes.

Pose of Reclining Bound Angle

This pose can help you let go of anxiety and promote a sense of tranquility. You can increase the heart-opening effect by placing a block or cushion beneath your back.
Muscles Worked:
·       Adductors
·       groin muscles
·       pelvic muscles
·       psoas
To accomplish this:
·       Place yourself on your back and put your feet together.
·       For support, place cushions beneath your knees or hips.
·       Concentrate on your breath while placing one hand on your tummy and one hand on your heart.
·       Hold this position for up to ten minutes.

Does it truly function?

Comparing the results, researchers discovered that yoga considerably decreased symptoms of stress, anxiety, and despair.
Even a single session of hatha yoga was successful in lowering stress from an acute psychological stressor, according to a 2017 study of modest size. A psychological stressor is a situation or activity that elicits an immediate response, such as the fight-or-flight response.
An arithmetic task was the stressor in this study. After completing a yoga practice guided by a video, participants reported lower blood pressure and enhanced self-confidence.
Although this research is intriguing, larger and more in-depth investigations are required to confirm and expand upon these results.

The conclusion

A recent study supports yoga as a method of anxiety relief, however, it may not be suitable for everyone.
Always consult your physician before beginning a new yoga or fitness regimen. They can assist you in identifying any potential risks and recommending any necessary improvements.
Keep in mind that yoga practice can occasionally bring up uncomfortable feelings and emotions. Ensure you practice in a comfortable and secure environment. This may involve practicing yoga at home or enrolling in a class designed expressly for stress alleviation or emotional recovery.
Stop practicing yoga if you feel that