Lahiri Mahasaya and his Yogic Methods
Lahiri Mahasaya was born on September 30, 1828, into a devout Brahmin family with a long legacy. The young Lahiri, whose real name was Shyama Charan, was raised in the Nadia family home. When he was three or four years old, he was frequently seen sitting beneath the sands in the yogi position with his body entirely hidden except for his head.
Even during the floods, Sri Lahiri Mahasaya practiced his sadhana each day and frequently went bathing in the Ganges. He continued to pray and meditate as he had since he was a young child. Lahari Mahasaya was a wonderful teacher, disciple, devoted spouse, loving father, and son. Lahiri Mahasaya was a family man, in contrast to the majority of other kriya yoga masters.
Lahiri Mahasaya witnessed the accomplishment of the reason for his earthly reincarnation in his thirties. A heavenly decree that is hidden from human view works mystifyingly to bring everything into physical existence at the right time. At the age of 33, he saw his teacher, he encountered his spiritual Guru, Mahavatar Babaji, in the Himalayan foothills close to Ranikhet. He was initiated into the Kriya Yoga science by Mahavatar Babaji, who also gave him the command to impart the divine method to all devout seekers. For the purpose of doing this task, Lahiri Mahasaya went back to his residence in Banaras. He is regarded as a key player in the yoga revival that started in contemporary India in the latter half of the nineteenth century and is still going strong since he was the first to teach the lost old Kriya science in modern times.
Lahiri Mahasaya lived the life of a householder yogi and inspired all people of this world to practise Kriya Yoga in order to gain liberation without having to abandon their domestic responsibilities. Millions of his followers, who were weighed down by familial obligations and other weighty worldly obligations, gained a new heart from him, a householder like them. Babaji gave Lahiri permission to freely offer Kriya to anyone who sincerely requested assistance.
Lahiri Mahasaya is now well-known and referred to as the Yogavatar and the father of Kriya Yoga as a result of his significant contribution. Lahiri Mahasaya didn't write any books, but his remarks, lessons to his followers, and miracles he worked for their good have all been documented.
Lahiri Mahasaya's gift of delivering Kriya Yoga initiation to pious people of all religions, without mentioning exclusively Hindus, since both Muslims and Christians were his outstanding pupils, was an important event in his life. The great Guru counselled his numerous disciples to practise good ancestral discipline from their respective faiths. Lahiri Mahasaya allowed his pupils the freedom to conduct their life as they saw fit, taking into account the environment, education, and customs they had been exposed to while emphasising the comprehensive character of the practise of the Kriya as a method of liberation.
According to each devotee's innate proclivities, the Guru led his followers on the paths of Bhakti Yoga (devotion), Karma Yoga (activity), Jnana Yoga, or Raja Yoga (real or complete). The master took his time before allowing followers to follow the monastery's official path. He constantly prompted them to consider the hardships of monastic life.
Teachings of Lahiri Mahasaya
Always remember that you do not belong to anyone, and neither does anyone belong to you. Reflect that one day, unexpectedly, you will have to leave everything in this world, thus establish contact with God from now on.
Prepare for the astral journey of death to come, rising each day on the globe of divine perception. Due to the illusion, you think that you are a deck of flesh and blood, or that, in hypothesis, it is nothing more than a nest of difficulties.
Meditate incessantly so that you can soon contemplate yourself as the Essence of Infinity, free from all human misery. don’t be the prisoner of the will of your body, use the secret key of Kriya Yoga to escape to the Spirit.
A Muslim must perform his namaz five times a day. Four times during the day the Hindu must sit down to meditate. A Christian must kneel four times a day, praying to God and then reading the Bible.
It is wise who is engaged to perform, not only to read the ancient revelations. Exchange religious speculations, to no avail, for real and true contact with God.
Cleanse your minds of the garbage of theological dogmas and let the healing waters of direct perception sink in. Tune yourselves to the active Inner Guidance. The Divine Voice has an answer to every dilemma in our life.
Everyone should perform Kriya with a special quality of strength in the mind: I am nobody, not mine, one day everyone should leave everyone and everything. People are content, but when this event suddenly comes, they are swallowed up with grief, regret, sobbing, and remorse. Therefore, let everyone always remember this event without losing vigilance.