Parivratta Trikonasana(Reclined Triangle Pose) : : Benefits, Method, Precau

Parivratta Trikonasana Parivratta Trikonasana(Reclined Triangle Pose) : : Benefits, Method, Precautions, Modifications

30 Min activity


Parivratta Trikonasana              
Revolved Triangle Pose

Parivratta Trikonasana is also called the triangle pose. The name Parivratta Trikonasana is derived from Sanskrit. Here, parivratta means revolved, Trikon means triangle, Asana means pose.
So, Parivratta Trikonasana means triangle pose. when we practice this pose, we pose like a triangle. Parivratta Trikonasana is a foundational pose that strengthens and lengthens the Armstrong. This pose will increase your flexibility. It is a standing pose. this pose will give you deep stretching. The focus of stretching in this pose is thighs, neck, arms, and side waist. This pose will enhance flexibility. It will enhance balance in your body. This pose is great to enhance strength in you. This Asan helps you to stretch muscles in your chest and arms. Parivratta Trikonasana is generally a warm-up exercise. Practicing this pose will reduce stress. It opens up your chest and hips. This is a great pose to practice to improve mobility in your body. this pose will enhance your metabolism. Practicing this pose before an exercise will reduce the risk of any kind of physical injury. It will prevent you from any further injury in your ankle, neck, knee, arms, and shoulder. This pose is the most important component of will help us to practice other yoga with great ease.
This pose will teach us how to extend legs which will later help us in many other poses. This pose will help you to reduce your love handles. It will eliminate the extra fat from your side waist. You can also practice some of the preparatory poses like Dwikonasana and Adho Mukha savasana. This pose is a sideways bending pose hence; one should avoid bending their back.
This yoga posture can be practiced by beginners. Though this is an easy pose but is very effective. It helps an individual in reducing back pain. This pose is very effective in improving the overall health of the internal organs. Practicing this pose can result in improving the health of the reproductive organs. This pose is considered as the post-pregnancy asana as it ensures to tighten the abdomen muscles and fasten the process of the abdomen to get back to its original shape.

To practice any of the postures it is very important to follow a proper technique to avoid any kind of injury. The correct technique enhances the benefits and restricts any kind of mishappenings. So it is very important to learn the right technique including your breathing pattern before practicing the posture.
Step 1: Place your feet apart from each other. Your hands should be horizontally stretched and must be parallel to the floor. your palms should face toward the floor.
Step 2: Bend your body to the right side such that the right palm touches the floor between your legs. The left hand should be vertically straight. It should be in the direction of the not roll your chest towards the floor as it may cause you injury. you must be very careful while practicing this pose as it may cause you injury.
Step 3: Hold the pose for a few seconds. Do not force your breath. Inhale and exhale naturally.
Step 4: Relax and get back to the initial position.
Step 5: Repeat this exercise at least 5 times.
Taking proper precautions before practicing a posture is essential. You have to read precautions before the posture as it will reduce the chances of getting injured. Practicing the pose with wrong techniques and without precautions might cause a severe injury and can injure you for a lifetime. The following precautions can be taken to practice parivratta trikonasana. Props and modification:
This pose can be practiced by any age group but sometimes it is difficult for people with different body types and different issues to practice the same posture with the same technique. So, we modify the pose or use props to practice the posture without hurting ourselves.