For low back pain, yoga can be particularly beneficial for the muscles that support the back and spine, including the paraspinal muscles responsible for spinal bending, the multifidus muscles that stabilize the vertebrae, and the transverse abdominis in the abdomen, which also contribute to spine stabilization.

Yoga, a gentle practice, proves ideal for maintaining both back strength and flexibility. Moreover, it stands as one of the most effective tools for mitigating low back pain, which happens to be the most prevalent source of pain and disability among older adults.

Yoga assists in strengthening and elongating back muscles that may be tense, thereby enhancing mobility.

Yoga encompasses a sequence of poses, also known as postures, and places a strong emphasis on breathing techniques. These postures guide you in stretching and fortifying your muscles, ultimately reducing muscular tension, enhancing flexibility and strength, and bolstering both balance and bone health.

we provide different yoga classes, yoga videos, workshops, and online group classes that focused on back pain and hip mobility. you can check those classes and join a few of them to get relief from back pain, hip mobility, and other chronic pain.