One Legged Shoulder Stand Pose : Benefits, Method , Precautions

Eka Pada Sarvangasan One Legged Shoulder Stand Pose : Benefits, Method , Precautions

30 Min activity


Eka pada sarvangasana (One-legged shoulder stand pose)

Eka pada Sarvangasana is also known as a one-legged shoulder stand pose. Its name was derived from the Sanskrit language and every word has its meaning. Here, Eka means one or single
Pada is leg Sarva means all ,Anga means limb, Asana means posture or pose.
So, Eka pada Sarvangasana is the posture of one leg. This posture adds a stretch to your glutes and hamstrings.
Sarvangasana is known as the queen pose of yoga. It has various benefits of its own. Though in your initial stages you might feel it more difficult but the more you practice the easier it becomes. It focuses on opening up your hips and cultivating strength and flexibility in your hamstrings. This pose. You should do pre-preparatory poses like hero pose to avoid any kind of injury. This can be combined with various other poses for transitions. After completion of this pose, you can wrap it up with some calm postures such as a supported forward bend.
Sarvangasana is the “Mother of Asanas” quoted by guruji BKS Iyenger. He, in his book, said that the Sarvangasana should be mastered first before headstand. This is the beginning class before we move further to the higher class. This pose was also mentioned in the 15th_century text hatha yoga pradipika as Viparita Karani. Sarvangasana is also documented in the 14th-century Shiv Samhita and 17th-century Gheranda Samhita.
Among many of its innumerable benefits, this asana improves blood circulation, aids digestive and defecation organs, and strengthens the bladder and reproductive organs. It stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid glands. It allows the venous blood to flow more easily from the hips, legs, and abdomen to the heart and the fresh blood from the heart to the neck and head. The back, hips legs, and feet are relieved of body weight and are thus energized and relaxed. As all the internal organs and body systems are turned upside down, they get a chance to adjust better and work more efficiently and in harmony. This posture gives strength and vitality to the whole body and mind. Creativity, wisdom, memory, calmness, intelligence, and willpower are developed. This vigorous sequence is particularly helpful for abdominal and back complaints. All the systems of the body and mind gain in strength, flexibility, and the free flow of energy and calm.

To perform this asana or pose please follow the following steps:
Step 1: lie down flat on the floor and stretch your body. Stretch your legs from the tips of the toes to the back of the knee
Step 2: Contract your gluteus maximum and raise your leg in upward directions. you will feel the stretch in your thighs and hips.
Step 3: Contract your quadriceps and Keep your legs raised and straight. Don’t bend your knees.
Step 4: keep your palms beside your hips and your elbow on the floor to support your body.
Step 5: Now bend one of the raised legs toward your head such that it slightly touches your head or the toes touch the floor and keep the other leg raised in an upward direction as shown in the picture.
Step 6: Flex the hip of the leg that touches the floor. Balance out the weight and feel the gentle stretch on your hips and thighs.
Step 7: Balance the weight on your elbow, shoulder, and head.
Step 8: Breathe normally and stay in this position for a few seconds. Adjust to stay firm in the posture.
Step 9: Slowly, bring your bent leg to the upward position and then both legs down and relax on the floor. Lower the arms beside the body and gradually lower the back. Massage the back by rubbing it against the ground and relax.
Precautions: Props and modifications: