Kapalbhati : Benefits, Method, Precautions, Modifications

Kapalbhati Kapalbhati : Benefits, Method, Precautions, Modifications

30 Min activity


The term kapalbhati has a very different meaning in itself. The word Kapal means skull, Bhati means shining.
Hence, kapalbhati is a skull shining breath technique. Kapalbhati is a breathing technique that helps your body to release toxins. Kapalbhati is a seated yoga posture but an individual can practice this posture by sitting on a chair. This pose will help you to get your energy back after a tiring day. Kapalbhati is a breathing technique that will help in balancing your body almost perfectly. It purifies our body and the respiratory system.
After practicing this pose it was seen that the practitioner’s forehead started shining and the efficiency of the frontal brain increased. It will maintain the body temperature in your body. The excessive heat gets released from your body. it is a form of cleaning technique that removes excess toxins from your body and helps in cleaning the body. practicing kapalbhati enhances the overall health of your body, mind, and spirit. The fast exhalation and inhalation process in our body will generate lots of internal heat in the body. the generated heat hence warms our body and balance the temperature. The warmth will help in improving the overall health of our internal organs. This pose massages and expands the brain and reduces stress and anxiety. This pose can be beneficial in managing your anger. The breathing technique will open up your chest and lungs and improve the health of your lungs.
You can practice kapalbhati pranayam twice a day. Your stomach must be empty both times.

Step 1: Sit on the floor in Sukh Asan. Place your palms on the knees and comfort yourself. Keep your back straight. 
Step 2: Inhale deeply with both your nostrils and fill up yourself to the maximum. The inhaling moment should be deep and slow.
Step 3: pull your stomach towards your spine as much as you can. Contract to the maximum you can along with exhaling the air.
Step 4: get back to the initial position by expanding the abdomen.
Step 5: Repeat the process till you release all the air from your lungs. Relax deeply while practicing this pose.
Step 6: Repeat the process at least 10 times.
Precautions: Props and modifications:  
