Triyak Tadasan(Palm Tree Pose) : Benefits, Method, Precautions, Modificatio

Triyak Tadasan Triyak Tadasan(Palm Tree Pose) : Benefits, Method, Precautions, Modifications

30 Min activity


Triyak tadasana                                      
(Palm tree pose)

Triyak tadasana is a Sanskrit word. The term is derived from the Sanskrit language. In Sanskrit,Triyak means oblique,Tad means tree, Asana means pose.
The pose looks like an oblique tree or palm tree. Hence, the pose is called the palm tree pose. This pose can be practiced by anyone who wishes to practice yoga. This is a simple pose that can be practiced by any age group. This pose is the variant of tadasana. Triyak tadasana is a side-bending pose. Hence, it is also called the standing side bend pose. This pose can be beneficial in reducing excessive fat from the sides. It is beneficial in reducing weight and tones your side.
Triyak tadasan is though a very simple pose but it consists of many hidden benefits. This pose will strengthen your digestive system. During this pose, one side of the body is stretched and the other side is contracted. While practicing this pose, the effect of one leg is minimized and the other legs increased. This is an excellent pose for people spending long hours of sitting. This pose is very beneficial for students and working people. This pose can be practiced in the morning as well as evening after evacuation. This is an easy pose yet very effective. Triyak tadasan is an asan in which the practitioner looks like standing palm trees. An individual must practice this pose at least 10 to 15 times in a row. Triyak tadasan shall be avoided by the person suffering from a hernia. It is suggested to practice this pose after consulting your doctors.

Step 1: Stand straight on the floor. keep your posture straight. you shouldn’t move your back.
Step 2: Interlock your fingers and stretch your hands in the upward direction. You must give a good stretch to your whole body as a warm-up before practicing the actual pose.
Step 3: Your head should straight. stretch and bend yourself on the left side. Your hands must be interlocked and stretched forward. Bend your torso, neck, hands on the left side. Your hands, torso, and head should be parallel to the hips and legs.
Step 4: Stay in the posture for 5 minutes at least or as long as you are comfortable.
Step 5: Relax and get back to the initial position. Do not force your breathing and breath naturally.
Step 6: Repeat the pose to the other side. Practice the pose 10 to 15 times at least.
Precautions: Props and modification:  
