Learn benefits, Procedure and technique of Parighasana

Parighasana Gate Pose Learn benefits, Procedure and technique of Parighasana

30 Min activity


Gate Pose (Parighasana )
This pose provides a gateway to blood to flow through those parts of our body which were obstructed due to the inactivity of our body. Parighasan is called gate pose because it is a gateway for blood flow.
In Sanskrit, parigha means ‘the bar used to close the gate’, asana means ‘pose’.

Practicing this pose, we do stretching of our body. This pose gives us a good stretch to the sides. It gives a good stretch to the inner thighs, legs, hips, and core muscles. prighasan was known even before the 20thcentury. Krishnamacharya, the father of modern yoga, derived this pose from gymnastics. This side bending pose is great for deep breathing. It is a great exercise for an individual who is suffering from asthma or any other breathing problem. It is a great warm-up before sun salutation practice. It can be performed all alone for 15-20 minutes. It will stretch out your body and help to reduce the side fat. You can use this pose to tone your muscles. This pose can be performed by any age group. There are very few chances of injury. This is one of the most underrated poses in yoga.

You can perform child pose, kneeling crescent moon before performing this posture. it will avoid any kind of injury. You can follow up by gate side plank or a good stretching to end this pose. Gate Pose is an invigorating pose that provides a good stretch to the sides of your body and increases the flexibility of your spine. You can also use this pose to tone your abdominal muscles and improve your circulation. Gate Pose is an excellent pose to perform in preparation for Triangle Pose. While both poses stretch similar muscles, Gate Pose does not require an intense stretch to the back of your legs.
Performing Gate Pose stretches the muscles that connect your ribs, allowing your lungs to expand to help increase your capacity for deep breathing. As a result, practicing this pose is especially useful if you have a breathing problem, such as asthma.
While performing Gate Pose, make sure your elbow does not move in front of your face but stretches up above your ear. You should also focus on lengthening your spine with each inhalation and stretching to your side with each exhalation.

To perform this asana or pose please follow the following steps:
Step 1: Kneel on your yoga mat. Sit on your left knee and let the right leg expand towards your right side. your knee torso and your expanded leg should be in the same line.
Step 2: Keep the right foot flat on the surface and point forward. Your knee should be straight but locked. Balance this position. Your torso should be straight and shouldn’t be bent toward the left side of your body.
Step 3: Bend yourself on the right side of your body towards the expanded leg. The bending of your torso and the expanded leg should be in the same line. You must not bend yourself too much forward or backward.
Step 4: The position of your right hand will be towards your right foot and the left hand should be in the upward direction and slightly bent toward your right side. The position of your head, torso, and hands should be bent towards the same side and in the same line as shown in the picture.
Step 5: Stay in this position for as long as you can from 20 seconds to 1 minute or more. Breathe naturally. Don’t forcefully control your breathing.
Step 6: Calm down and slowly get back to the normal position. Take a deep breath, relax and complete the pose.
Step 7: Repeat the above steps for the other side. You can perform this practice from 2 to 15 times.
Precautions: Props and modifications: